Your favourite Colour Mage

Ashley Reddy
She / They
$85 / hour
Available Thursday to Sunday
Ashley is the resident Colour Mage of the salon and their brilliant, stunning colours have been seen and praised everywhere from New Westminster to Tokyo!
An alumnus of the prestigious Suki’s Academy, Ashley has been styling since 2009. They're a specialist in balayage hair painting and has taken inspiration from current Japanese styles and fashions. Countless people have left Ashley’s salon chair happy with a new, vivid ombre or with long, romantic curls.
Beyond B-Bombshell, Ashley is also a veteran cosplayer who frequents the local convention scene. Their gaming interests range from the stages of Street Fighter to the worlds of Final Fantasy to the horrors of Silent Hill. Recently Ashley has also taken more of an interest in comics (particularly DC). And yes, while they are an unapologetic makeup and fashion follower, Ashley also happens to be a grossly hardcore horror geek that loves all things spooky.
Book your appointment to be “ble$$ed” by Ash’ today!
Sun Sign - Capricorn
Favourite Video Game Series - Devil May Cry, Resident Evil and Silent Hill
Favourite Comic Book Character - Tomie
Favourite Movie Genre - Horror
Favourite Food - Korean BBQ
Favourite Board Game - Betrayal at House on the Hill